Root Development
of Vegetable Crops

by John E. Weaver Professor of Plant Ecology, University of Nebraska
William E. Bruner Instructor in Botany, University of Nebraska
This is a digital rework by botho_cc based on the first edition (1927).




This book is largely based upon investigations by the authors. The lack of exact knowledge and the frequently grossly inaccurate statements regarding the nature and extent of the root systems of vegetable crops have shown the need for intensive study.In dealing with the various vegetable crops the usually very meager data from other investigations have been added to present, so far as possible, a general view of root development of vegetable crops in the United States. No attempt has been made to include all of the root investigations in foreign countries but enough has been given to supplement adequately those in America and, it is believed, to include most of the important findings. The literature cited will direct the student who may wish to look further into foreign investigations.

The present work is a companion volume to Weaver's Root Development of Field Crops. It is designed for the use of investigators and producers as well as to meet the needs of 'students of vegetable gardening.

In the study of root systems in relation to cultural practice, Thompson's Vegetable Crops, Bailey's The Principles of Vegetable Gardening, and similar works have been found very helpful. But in all cases original sources have been freely consulted in an attempt to correlate the root relationships with gardening practice.

All of the drawings with the accompanying root descriptions are original. Because of the great labor and expense involved in this work it could not have been accomplished except for the encouragement and financial support given by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. To this Institution the authors are under deep obligation for permission to publish this book as a companion volume to Root Development of Field Crops.The authors are further indebted to Dr. Herbert C. Hanson for valuable assistance in the excavation of the roots at Lincoln. The senior writer is also indebted to a number of his students and especially to Mr. T. L. Steiger, Mrs. L. B. Mathews, and Miss Annie Mogensen for most of the illustrations and other valuable help. The authors wish to express their thanks to Professor T. J. Fitzpatrick for much helpful criticism in reading the manuscript and proof.

The Authors
Lincoln, Nebraska, June, 1927.

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Soil Moisture

Amout above the hygroscopic coefficient:

It is a well-established fact that rainfall is only a very general indicator of soil moisture, since many other factors both climatic and edaphic intervene between precipitation and water available for plant growth. Hence, a study of the soil moisture in several of the plats was made from time to time
